Details matter. I once had a boss who told me he wasn’t the type of person who focused on the details. Puzzled, I asked if he wasn’t focused on the details, what was he focused on?
I’m a big believer that at the end of the day, all that matters are the details. Every single detail, even the smallest and most mundane, add up over time and it’s these details that inform the bigger strategy, the bigger vision, the bigger picture.
It’s what we do each day, the details we choose to focus on, that lead to the bigger successes over time. Details matter.
How do you create an amazing company culture? You focus on the small details, you take time to get to know your people, you understand what motivates them, you applaud their successes and help them learn from their mistakes. Details matter.
How fast you respond to a vacation request, following up on a personal conversation you had a while back, listening to someone's challenges, no matter how small, all make a difference. Details matter.
Manically focusing on communication, making sure there are no surprises, soliciting feedback, asking questions, listening. Details matter.
As Walt Disney said, “There is no magic in magic, it’s all in the details”. Details matter, don’t let anyone tell you anything different. #details #leadership